Brady’s Equine Art Program developed by Artist Isabelle Truchon is open to children from 8 to 99. Participants are exposed to a variety of media and fun hands-on techniques in a natural equestrian environment. Each class tackles a project from start to completion. The atmosphere is fun and non-competitive, encouraging exploration and observation. Each class is 3 hours long, with breaks. All materials are included with the $10 materials fee.

This year’s Art Program proceeds are funding the Sensory Trail at Brady Therapeutic Riding. A sensory trail is a trail ride that incorporates natural and man-made elements and activities that involves all the senses – such as hills, bridges, flowers, music, or touch stations, and so on. The Sensory Trail benefits both rider and horse.

Date: Saturday August 20th

Time: 10AM-1:00PM

Location: The Brady Therapeutic Riding facility located at The San Francisco Zoo (Free Parking available). 

Fee: $75/Class, $200/3 Classes, $250/4 Classes (a $10 material fee for each class payable to the instructor)

Class Outline

·       Students will be introduced to the elements of form and shape in a natural equestrian environment

·       Students will explore the concepts of light and shadow to create forms

·       Students will learn to draw animals using the shapes we are familiar with

·       Students will familiarize themselves with charcoal 

·       Students will draw using charcoal to create form, line, shapes, and patterns

·       The Brady horses will serve as our models for the class

·       Participants will create between 3-5 art pieces in this session

Materials employed

·       Charcoal—all variations, soft, hard, medium, vine, block etc…

·       Colored chalk

·       Drawing Paper

·       Forms: cylinder, pyramid, cube, sphere

·       Matte Spray for sealing artwork

·       The Brady live models, Pete, Phoebe, Lola and Honey, Maggie, Tallulah, and Toby

·       Pictures of our models